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Note: Posts from the road are often typed on my One Laptop Per Child XO computer. Typing and editing are slow and laborious so some errors go unchecked or ignored. Live with it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

After Midnight

Am I excited or what? Couldn't sleep last night and tonight I am still up at 12:30 AM typing this post to test the email posting capabilities of Blogger. If all works as it should this email will become a blog post. Should make posting from the road a lot easier with the little XO and its tiny keyboard and minimalist browser. The bike is packed the maps are cut and labeled, I've mutilated the Milepost cutting out just the pages related to our part of the Alaskan Highway. Hope to report again when we reach Clare, MI tomorrow PM. Tomto and I are meeting up near Delaware today at 9 and we will have a 300+ mile day ahead of us. The weather looks great and I'm ready to go.

PS Had to cut and paste to get this into the blog... the email function does not work as I had hoped :-(


  1. Can't wait to hear about the day's adventures.

    I email your Alaska groups so I hope you have lots of readers.

    Travel safely and enjoy today's adventure.

  2. Hey Dave, have a ball...Wish I could be joining you...Enjoy Rt 50 The Loneliest Road in the US..Be sure to pick up a form in Carson City, get it documented along the way and they'll send you a very nice certificate "I Survived The Loneliest Road"....Have a ball..Bill

  3. yea! I can't wait to read about the adventure! :)
