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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on

Most of you have heard Sir Ken Robinson's 2006 TED talk on education and creativity. Here's his latest. I don't know how it will come about but his vision of personalized education is certainly one to which I subscribe. Perhaps technology and a new generation of educators (you all) will bring it about.

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on


  1. I love watching Ken Robinson speak. I always feel motivated and ready to jump into action when I hear him.

  2. I enjoyed this video! I posted it on my blog and on fb. A lot of the other teachers who are my fb friends commented on how they liked it as well! thanks for sharing!

  3. I can only hope that in the near future I am so fortunate to speak in such a way that you all are commenting about my "incredible teaching abilities."

    I hope to begin traveling the country within the next 2-3 years, speaking about education, instruction, and life in general. Maybe you can post my future video clips on here! Whoooo!
