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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Arthur Benjamin's formula for changing math education | Video on

Four minute video for everyone who teaches math... a modest proposal. What do you think? Even elementary age kids understand probability at some level. While you are in TED check out some other videos and give us a blog entry.

Arthur Benjamin's formula for changing math education | Video on


  1. " If President Obama invited me to be the next tzar mathematics..."
    I agree with Arthur Benjamin when he says that today's mathematic classroom is working towards one goal, calculus. Majority of the jobs do not use calculus but statistic. If the goal of school is to prepare students for the work force, statistics needs to be the concept stressed.

  2. I never even got as far as calculus in my math career! I agree that statistics and probability have much more relevance to "real life." I agree Wendy that if we are trying to prepare students for their future jobs, we need to focus more on the concepts that will be used in the majority of jobs.
