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Monday, April 12, 2010

A MUST-SEE for Every Educational Administrator in the World - Classroom 2.0

Just read about this video in Jill's blog... you've got to see and listen. I'd love to see blog posts reacting to the message. While you are in the site subscribe to Classroom 2.0

A MUST-SEE for Every Educational Administrator in the World - Classroom 2.0


  1. Very interesting video. I posted a reaction on my blog about it. It really made me think about what education should really be about. Thanks posting the link.

  2. I am unsure if I agree to everything he says in the video. I mean I agree that education is free in a sense, but I still think you have to have resources to get access to the internet, making it not completely free. Even getting to a free computer at the library, may take transportation, etc. that is unavailable to everyone. Still processing the idea...
