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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

SchoolTube Videos

More videos from teachers and kids... there is a games tab, check it out.

SchoolTube Videos


  1. Oh my gosh! Thanks for telling me about the games tab. Now I'm going to get addicted to Tetrus again haha. The schooltube videos were great too! I think this is something my students could definitely use.

  2. This is really neat. I had no idea there was a site like this for students. What about permissions and safety? Do you think that's an issue with students, parents, or schools?

  3. I had heard of this site but had never visited it until now. Very useful stuff. I believe sites like this will continue to grow and prosper in the very near future. Makes me think one day we won't have teachers in the classroom, just "computer guides" to make sure students stay on task. I guess we'll see...

  4. This site reminded me of the website, Teacher-Tube.
